Bed & Breakfast bookings without additional fees!

Frequently asked questions
Why register?
The registration of your holiday accommodation is free of costs. Your Bed & Breakfast will be displayed on More travelers will be able to find you!

How to receive booking requests?
You will receive the booking requests through e-mail and can immediately approve or decline them. You can also find them in the easy-to-use administrator system.

How to keep the availability up to date?
In our online administrator system you can easily update the availability of your Bed & Breakfast.

How to use images?
You can upload a large number of images of your Bed & Breakfast, of the holiday accommodation itself as well as the guest rooms. This will help you to get more travelers to your holiday accommodation!

Is free of costs?
Yes, your holiday accommodation will be displayed on, free of charge. You do not have to pay for any booking requests you receive through

How to pay for an overnight stay?
Travelers visiting your Bed & Breakfast through pay at arrival. Payment is arranged in a way that is convenient for you.

How to reach
We are happy to answer all your questions by e-mail. Send a message to
Register your Bed & Breakfast, guest house or family hotel

Your accommodation's details

Accommodation name: *
Contact: *
Street and house number: *
Zip code and city: *
Country: *

Other information

Telephone: *
E-mail address: *
I agree with the general conditions for accommodations of *
* = Mandatory field
How to register your accommodation
Would you like your Bed & Breakfast, family hotel or guest house to be displayed on This can be easily done by filling out the registration form above.

After registration, you will receive your personal login for our administrator system. In this system you can enter all information about your holiday accommodation and upload images. We kindly ask you to accurately fill in the availability of your holiday accommodation and to keep this up to date.

We will use these details to make the perfect presentation of your Bed & Breakfast, family hotel or guest house on You will be able to receive booking requests straightaway!